Monday, February 25, 2013

Beautiful Creatures - Book Review by Lindsay

Beautiful Creatures  by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Creatures is a story set in a rural, southern town, where you see the same people and things every day, nobody moves in, nobody moves out. So when there's actually a new girl in town, named Lena, everybody's researching her, and trying to find out what young person would be crazy enough to move into their town. Before she's even settled in, the whole population already knows she's the niece of the town outcast, Macon Ravenwood. Everyone automatically typecasts her as being just like her uncle, nobody thinks she belongs, except for Ethan Wate, who swears this girl is familiar, and special. Eventually Ethan finds out Lena is part of a family of "casters" which are basically like witches, but not quite. Witches are something out of movies and stories, casters are so different. On a caster's 16th birthday, they are claimed for either the light or the dark, and Lena is terrified she's going to be claimed dark.
  Basically, the story just builds up to Lena's birthday, and shows some difficult decisions she has to make. Ethan and Lena discover a bunch of things that neither of their family's would ever tell them, and Ethan eventually finds out why he feels so tied to Lena.

This was an amazing book that can't be described in only a few sentences. It's very long, but definitely worth the time. If you only read one book this year, make it this one.

Book Review by Lindsay