Monday, March 14, 2011

How Good is Good Enough - Book Review

How Good is Good Enough? By Andy Stantely

So religion is something most people like to try not to worry about. Just be good most of the time and you’re set, right?


If you believe that all it takes to get into Heaven is be a “good” person, then do yourself a favor and read this book. It’s not even 100 pages long, and the pages are small. Obviously using the Bible as its base for information, this book digs deep and shows the truth behind what salvation really is and how to get there. Recounting the story of Jesus Christ and His teachings on earth, from His birth to resurrection, Stantely shows what the Bible says about salvation and what it takes to go to Heaven. Also, he has a very easy-to-understand and humorous way of writing, ensuring that the book never gets boring. It’s a fun read, but it also may be one of the most important books you will ever read. After all, your eternal future kind of depends on it. Trust me, you’ll enjoy the book, and if you don’t go to church often then maybe this is just what you need.

Book review by Joe W.

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